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java10,Innovative Features of Java 10 Revamp Your Coding Game


Java 10 was released in March 2018, making it one of the most recent versions of the popular programming language. With this new release, developers were treated to several innovative features that have improved their coding experience. Let’s explore some of these features that have revamped the coding game in Java 10.

Local-Variable Type Inference

One of the most significant changes in Java 10 is the introduction of local-variable type inference. This feature enables developers to declare variables without specifying their data type explicitly. This makes code more concise, readable, and reduces the typing burden on the developer.

For example, instead of writing:

java10,Innovative Features of Java 10 Revamp Your Coding Game

ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String> ();

With local-variable type inference, we can write:

var list = new ArrayList<String> ();

This feature allows developers to take advantage of the benefits of static typing while simultaneously reducing the verbosity of the code.

Application Class-Data Sharing

Another feature in Java 10 is the application class-data sharing (CDS). This feature allows common class metadata to be shared among various Java processes that are running simultaneously.

By sharing a single copy of metadata, we can reduce the startup time and memory footprint of Java applications.

In Java 10, the application CDS only works with the Java AppLauncher. To make use of this feature, we need to use the ‘-Xshare: on’ flag in the JVM arguments when starting the Java application.

Garbage-Collector Interface

Java 10 also introduced a garbage-collector interface. This interface provides developers with a way to write custom garbage collectors that can be used with the JVM.

Before Java 10, only the standard garbage collectors that ship with the JVM could be used. With the addition of the garbage-collector interface, developers now have the ability to write custom garbage collectors tailored to their specific requirements.

Improved Streams

Java 10 improved the performance of streams by introducing a new method called ‘.toList()’. This method allows developers to convert a stream to a list directly.

Before Java 10, we had to write a collector explicitly to convert a stream to a list. This made the code more verbose and gave room for potential errors.

With the introduction of ‘.toList()’, we can now convert a stream to a list with just a single line of code. This improves the readability of our code and reduces the likelihood of errors.


Java 10 has brought several innovative features that have improved the development experience of Java developers. With the introduction of local-variable type inference, we can now write concise and readable code. The application class-data sharing reduces the startup time and memory footprint of our Java applications. The garbage-collector interface allows developers to write custom garbage collectors tailored to their requirements, while improved streams make our code more readable and less prone to errors.

As we can see, these features have revitalized the coding game for Java developers and presented new opportunities for building better applications.